GoodLooking Solves Deadlocked Case

GoodLooking Law was hired in 2022 to represent landowners who initially had sought to sell an acreage in 2021. After agreeing to a deal with a potential buyer, a subsequent survey found a major pipeline easement running across the middle of the property. The potential buyer then backed out of the deal due to the easement. Since the easement should have been found in the survey that was performed by the title company when the clients first acquired the land, the clients asked the title company to indemnify them for the loss of the sale. 

However, the title company refused to indemnify the clients for the full amount of the loss and would go no higher. This stalemate lasted for almost a year until GoodLooking Law was brought in to represent the clients. Using uncommon tactics learned by its attorneys’ complex background and experience, GoodLooking Law was able to convince the title company to settle with the clients within a month of being brought into the case. GoodLooking Law saved its clients over $25,000 in litigation expenses during the process.

About GoodLooking Law: GoodLooking Law is a law firm tailored to helping and protecting entrepreneurs, their businesses and their assets. Our experienced attorneys handle matters related to corporate law, family law, entertainment law, real estate, healthcare law, and criminal law. GoodLooking Law offers one of the most advanced, full-service firms in the country, with additional experience in media and public relations. We’ve spent the past decade building one of the most sophisticated business platforms on the planet. Our attorneys, technologists, and media experts provide clients with unrivaled intelligence.

If you or someone you know is interested in retaining the services of GoodLooking law, please contact Jonathon Kovar at

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